Two Arm Bandit TwoArm Arm

Do not rock the boat

I talked to a guy last night who just got back from Vegas and he told me about the new walking slot machines they are testing out there. One of the new casinos is trying out slot machines that can follow people around in the casino and offer them free games and drinks. I guess they are like robots in a way and try to get people to spend more money. I bet that’s just the beginning though and if this works out they will put in special slot machines that only move if there is an emergency. They just sit there and people play them until somebody causes a real problem and when a security person presses a button all those slot machines chase the troublemaker and gives them the old kabosh. My question is how to give them two arms without attracting attention because most slot machines have just one lever on the side. I’m trying to imagine strangling someone with one arm and it would be really hard unless I had a noose ready to throw over their head. If I had a casino I would advertise slot machines that right AND left handed people could use and having a lever on each side would make sense. I wish I had one of those myself because my neighbors could play it and make me rich and if anybody cause my problems my two arm bandit would take care of business. If I had to choose a name I would call it Slottor.