Grab Bag GrabGragBag

A little bit-o-something is better than a big bunch of nuthin’

Today I had all kinds of random thoughts but none of them would make me any money. They are the kind of thoughts that are hard to put into action unless you have a big budget and lots of time. For instance it would be fun to build hundreds of 7 feet tall walking clocks that you could send all around town to knock on people’s doors. When someone answers the door the clock will say “you know what time it is” and then turn and run down the street to the next house. I could watch that all day long. It would also be fun to have thousands of drones fly all around town with loudspeakers on them that shout out random slogans and facts. The drones would shout out “Justice is served!” and “Anarchy Rules!” and “You never loved me!” and all kinds of other ridiculous message. I would put the police department logo on all the drones to make it more fun. After that settled down I would have people go out in the middle of the night and paint all the mailboxes black and then paint red skulls and demons on all of them. That would give people something to puzzle over. Then I would hire planes to fly all over town with banners that said “Stick It To The Man” but nobody would know why. It’s fun to give people something to do and it will keep them from being bored. If I still had money left I would have people dressed as executioners go door to door with a noose and ask them if this is the house that requested a hangman. By then I would really have made a name for myself. I would have people film everything so I could watch it later and show it to everyone. It might drive people crazy at the time but they would have a good laugh later and I would be the happiest of them all.