A few nights ago after I got off work I went to one of my favorite bars to see the scene. The owner was there and set me up with a starter shot on the house and then I ran into two guys I knew from around the neighborhood. They didn’t know each other so I was the common denominator. I call those situations mixups because it’s like combining two kinds of food you aren’t sure will work together. The combo may be delicious or it may taste like roasted ass. When I would see them normally I would talk to the one guy about the latest crimes and with the other guy about ways to make quick money. After we had some shots we wound up talking with the owner about strange stories he’d heard about the graveyard a few streets over. It was an old school graveyard with the fancy crypts for rich folks where you can look inside and see sculptures and stained glass windows. After we had a few more shots the owner said hey since there’s a full moon tonight why don’t you guys take a midnight tour in the cemetery and see what you can see. My two guys thought that was the best idea in the history of ideas and although the owner couldn’t come he loaned us a flashlight to check it out. It was cloudy when we got there so the moon didn’t help much but we managed to stumble around and check out some of the crypts. They all had chains on the doors except for one where the chain had been cut. We thought about going inside that one but then bumped into a guy with a really dirty hat and face and clothes who went past us and opened the door. He tipped his hat at us and then went inside and closed the door. My two guys thought he was a ghost but if so he was a very polite one so we decided not to bust his chops and we called it a night without poking around any more. It turned out to be a good mixup this time because I tried something new. If I ever get really bored maybe I’ll take a bottle to the cemetery and do some shots with that polite guy in the crypt. After all, I bet he has some great stories to tell.