Living Wage WageWagesW

I’ve been walking through the forest a long time but can’t seem to find the money tree.

I usually work for myself because working for the wrong kind of boss can lead to an early grave. The smart bosses treat and pay their employees well because in the end that usually makes them work harder. The bad bosses create a culture of fear though and make their employees think they will never work again if they quit. Then there are the lazy bosses that push all the hard decisions on their employees and then are nowhere to be found when things blow up. But maybe the hardest ones to deal with are the weird bosses that make strange decisions and hide under their desks sometimes and are nice one day and start talking to their stapler the next day. No job is perfect but getting paid well helps. I can put up with most any boss if my pockets are full and I live it up a little and even start saving for that rainy day. If I were a boss I would work hard and would make sure my people made a living wage. That would just be the start though. I would also have good snacks for everyone because everyone loves good snacks. We would also have some fun and games once in a while and have some hallway bowling and nerf gun battles after hours. I would rather live a life of leisure but if I had to be a boss I would want to be the best one in town.