Hell Machine MachineHellHell

You can make a big impression just by hanging around

When I think about heaven it sounds too good to be true. Instead there might just be a big hell that has better parts and worse parts. You would get a tour through the worst parts where people live in liquid fire and eat snakes and then the better parts would seem like heaven. But people have different fears and backstories so the people in charge of hell would really have to put some thinking into where people go. I bet it is a real pain in the ass to make all those decisions when so many people die every day and night. These days there is probably a machine that judges people real quick and prints out a map that tells them where to go. Anybody who tries to beat the system and ignore the map gets thrown into the liquid fire. Someone who has been really good would be assigned to a part that is still hot with bad food and root beer but at least they would not be chained to a rock and beaten by demons. And maybe people could move on up if they behaved well. Still I wonder if hell exists at all because running it would be super expensive. The overhead would be crazy and it would have to run for eternity. All I can say is that I’ve had enough trouble here on earth so I hope when my time comes I can get some real rest and not have to worry about what comes next.