Congress CongressCongressCong

He cuts a square corner and that’s good enough for me

Congress used to work better in the past and people have all sorts of theories why. The other day when I was doing night work I met a lady who explained it and made a whole lot of sense. She said the round dome in the capitol building traps dark psychic charges that over time build up to a huge amount of negative energy. This is why in ancient times they used square temples and pyramids and ziggurats and avoided round buildings because in those days round places were used to summon the dark gods. She said that’s why Stonehenge and crop circles are round. I read recently that at night people see ball lightning hovering over the capital building but what they are really seeing is that negative energy attracted to all the dark charges going round and round in the dome. The lady told me that there is some mystery about who came up with the capitol dome but that it was most likely energy agents. It all makes me feel optimistic because if Congress will just move to another building we are in business again. I would write to my Congressman about it but the post office makes a lot of mistakes in my neighborhood and lately all my letters to him keep getting returned.