Ollie OctopusOctoOcto

If you can see them then they can see you

What I think about the octopus has nothing to do with reality. I think of a cartoon octopus with a big head and huge eyes and waving arms, but in reality they are shapeless and rubbery. If I had time I would mix their genes up with giraffe genes and monkey genes and come up with a tall, smart walking octopus that could give people the business. Nobody would expect a walking octopus to cheat them blind so they would make great carnies. I would people would spend every nickel they had on a booth run by a tall friendly octopus. I would name them all Ollie because that is a super friendly name and have them operate every booth in my carnival. It would be awesome to have an Ollie run the shell game because he could move the cups and balls around superfast with all those arms. My Ollies would really only use six arms because two arms would really be extra long legs. An Ollie could play a guitar and drums at the same time so I could save money on entertainment too. It would be expensive to make those Ollies but as you can see you could make your money back super fast.