Owls Owls OwlsOwlsOwls

Hobbies: watching and waiting

So many stores are full of owls. Ceramic owls, owl charms, cookie jar owls, owl pendants. Watching a live owl can bring you good luck, but only if you watch it for a very long time. It’s the best luck if you can watch one at midnight. I put on dark clothes and a ski mask last night to watch the owl in my neighbor’s back yard. The owl hooted a few times, which is very good luck. Owls were worshipped in the past because they have powerful eyes that can see into people’s souls. My neighbor thought I was watching him I guess because he confronted me near the big oak tree in his yard. We talked about owls for awhile but it made him angry so I locked him in his tool shed. He lives alone so I will have to figure out what to do with him tomorrow morning, because I’m still busy watching that owl right now.